Hello Everyone! Because P.J. responded so much to my e-mail, I decided to include parts of it so his letter would make sense. Have a great week!!!! Oh...and thanks for keeping tabs on the boy!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Hey Elder Peejin……
How is my favorite missionary/son doing on the other side of the
world?? We are chugging along.
So…In FB news:
out today that a box of Lucky Charms is £8, which is about $12. Lol.
C*****: posted a picture
of a guy praying with the caption, "Let's all take a moment and be
thankful that spiders don't fly."
tried to catch some fog the other day…….. Mist.
other news.
told me in nursery today that maybe I'll like fishie crackers when I grow up.
About Tyler, Texas…yeah. Dad really ticked off a rattle snake in
the snake house. Mollie walked right by the snake and you know how they
are usually looking as though they aren't even alive? Well, this one
opened his mouth a little when Mollie walked by it. Then Dad had to go
shake his hand and tap the glass next to it. Holy Cow if that thing
didn't open its mouth completely, unfurled fangs and all. Pretty much
gave me the heebie-jeebies. I made Dad stop before it struck the glass.
I would've had nightmares for a week if that had happened. Dentists
and snakes…
of the dentist. Yep…I'm going to have to go in again soon. A piece
of one of my molars broke off the other day. What the heck??? Looks
like another root canal. Fun stuff. Maybe I can get them to hop me
up on anti-anxiety meds this time. I think I might try it. It's
embarrassing to be crying when they are only taking an x-ray. You thought
I was kidding about the dental phobia.
to Tyler. We had a good time getting away for a few days, though.
Oh…one more zoo story. So we went back at the end to watch the
people feed the otters. Okay…I thought they would throw a few sardines in
and call it a day. Nope! They threw in LIVE fish and we watched
death and destruction by otters. It was kinda nasty/cruel when one kept
messing with the fish by letting it go and chasing it again over and over.
Yep, it was a tad traumatizing. Lots of fish guts and all.
went swimming at the Greers last night. Watched two people suck face for
about an hour only coming up for air once.
Mollie is done with school now, and to
celebrate she has come down with bronchitis. Nice. I get to take
her to the doctor on Tuesday because my schedule is too packed tomorrow and
I've missed a few weeks of Monday appointments already. Hopefully she
won't stop breathing by then.
talk about you all the time. Please be safe out there because I keep
telling myself to stop being a wienie because you'll be back in A YEAR AND A
HALF! I'm so proud of you for doing good things with your life. You are
awesome!!!!! I pray for you every day and hope that you are happy and
learning a lot.
Bokety, bok, bok, bokers Family!
Too bad you don't have a Croatian branch. They don't really
understand how certain things work....Since all of Croatia had district
conference in Zagreb yesterday on the first Sunday (I'll explain more later),
we don't have fast Sunday this month...kind of strange, but they just don't
quite understand that it doesn't have to be the first Sunday.
And what the heck? Yeah, $12 is a lot for lucky charms, but he's
lucky that he's in a place where he can buy them. I might pay 60kn for them if
they even sold them in Croatia. But I'm stuck with like 50 different brands of
corn flakes, cookie crisps, nesquik coco puffs, honey nut cheerios, knock off cinnamon
toast crunch, and other weird chocolate (Hey look! This is what the Americans
eat [not quite....]) types of cereal. Yup....and all of them are at least $3 or
$4 and most of them are the little mini boxes. But yeah, that's what the cereal
section looks like in Kaufland, and in some other stores it's even smaller.
That fog pun is pretty good. Everyone just groaned when I read it to
them, but I enjoyed it. And not to call you old, over the hill, middle aged,
ancient, prehistoric, grandma, decrepit, elderly, orthopedic, or anything like
that, but I think the "maybe when you're older train" left the
station a long time ago, so I think you're destined to hate gold fish forever.
Gross....I hate snakes. That’s really all I have to say. That and
the fact that I would be the one tapping the glass if I was there. I just have
to fiddle with stuff and touch stuff that I'm not supposed to.....remote
battery covers, cell phone sim cards (but that was fixed over a month ago),
Ooh! I hate the dentist. To think that I ever wanted to sell my soul
to the devil and join their evil forces....Makes me shudder. But good luck.
Trust me though. It's so much easier to just get the whole tooth pulled. Elder
B**** and I decided last night that I have ambitions to do all this stuff to my
body to make life easier. Like tooth implants (imagine be able to put anything
on your teeth and not feel it and not have to worry about it), Lasik surgery,
getting my nostril cauterized so I’ll never have bloody noses again, and maybe
some lip injections. Kidding about the last one.
week's interrogation:
1. Did you get your package yet????????
No, not yet. I hope I get it sometime this week, but I was in Zagreb
yesterday and they said that it wasn't at the mission office. But the Higbees
have meetings in Zagreb today, so they'll check while they're there. I'm
excited to get it. And maybe I'll wait until the 28th to open it. Yeah, just
2. Did you teach
anyone this week?
Yup! We have a super nice couple that we met a couple of weeks ago,
the V****** Family. They are Jehovah's Witnesses, but they are actually nice.
Usually the Jehovah's Witnesses are some of the worst people to talk to because
they like to try and bash with us and tell us we're wrong, but this couple is
awesome. We found out that he teaches at the university....And just our luck,
he teaches Croatian. It's so nerve wracking to talk in broken Croatian to
somebody that is a professor for it! But they are so nice! They have so many
questions! They know so many things that we have to teach on a deeper lesson,
which is a bit of a change. We taught a crazy Plan of Salvation lesson. Usually
it just goes, We used to live with God, we came to this earth to be tested and
get a body, We have to follow Jesus Christ and except his gospel in this life,
after death we go to spirit paradise (paradise, prison), we'll resurrect, get a
perfect body, be judged, and live with God again. But this couple had so many
questions about everything! We went into so much detail about the pre-mortal
life and the fall of Adam, which usually isn’t too interesting to most people.
But they asked about everything. I'm not sure how interested they are as far as
converting, but they said that they would read if we left them a Book of Mormon,
so we did, and now we wait until Tuesday.
3. How goes
Good. We've pretty much tracted out our area of town, so now we are
creeping into the other elders' area to tract. We got let in on Sunday and we
met a really nice strong Catholic man that actually knows what the Catholics
believe. And his mother was there....But she was kind of odd. She is in her
70's and she kept on rubbing my face with her hand while Elder B***** was
talking and then she brought in her rosary beads, all her pictures of Mary
(Gle! Maika Božje!- Look! The mother of God), and some pictures of Jesus. And
she kept on kissing them and showing them to me. It was kind of strange, but
she was really nice. But tracting goes all right. Not usually a ton of
nice reception, but just one person letting us in every once in a while makes
it worth it.
And about people sucking face at the pool....You've seen nothing.
Young people aren't in huge abundance here, but when you see them, they are
usually making out...on all of the park benches. They do this thing where the
guy sits on the bench and the girl sits on his lap while straddling him and
they then make out. So wrong.....and no shame in public. We call it a human
pauk. Which is a human spider. Because there's just a human clump on the bench
with 8 limbs. It's weird stuff.
Now for some newsy stuff. So this last weekend, the members in all 4
countries in the mission had a giant anniversary party in Zadar, Croatia to
celebrate 40 years since the first baptism in Yugoslavia, which was Krešomir
Čosić, the BYU basketball player/Croatian sports star. But yeah, they had a big
celebration and then they came up to Zagreb for district conference (like stake
conference. every 6 months). District conference was so cool. There were so
many members in one place....Okay. So maybe somewhere near 100, but it was so
awesome to see everyone at the chapel in Zagreb. And we had a good lunch
afterwards with chicken, burek with cheese and potatoes, bread, cabbage, and
different pasta salads. But the meeting was cool too. The district president,
President Babić, spoke about building the church here and that in 8 years,
there will be a stake here. Which is quite the statement considering that the
biggest branch here (Zagreb) has 50 active members, and we're the next largest
here in Karlovac and we have 20 or so, and after that is 4 other branches that
usually have somewhere between 8 and 12 people each week. And then President
Rowe spoke about how everyone here has labored super hard here for the last 40
years to build the foundation and now the foundation has been poured and now
it's time to build the beautiful structure on top of that foundation. It was so
cool to hear things like that said. It really does help me feel purpose,
because sometimes it gets a little disappointing when you get rejected all day,
but when we hear things like what was said yesterday, it gives me hope that our
little every day efforts will become something big over time. So we were in
Zagreb from 8 until about 4 yesterday for the meeting. And it was so cool. I
just wish we could do something like that every month. I kind of miss big
established smooth running wards.
Oh yeah! I saw Elder R and
Elder H from Banjaluka in Zagreb yesterday. Things are going well for them.
Bosnia looks so cool from his pictures. It's so green! And they have some cool
cities to go to on p-day. We're kind of out of things to do here. But yeah, it
was nice to see him. I also saw Sister J and Sister M from my MTC group.
They're both doing well too. I don't usually get to see anyone because we've
always gone to Slovenia for zone stuff so far, but it was cool to see everyone
yesterday. Elder S is still locked away in Beograd, but I heard that he's doing
well and getting good at the language.
I can't really think of a whole bunch else at the moment. It's still
relatively nice here where the temperature is concerned. It's June, but it's
still somewhere around 75 or 80 most days. Elder B**** calls it hot because
it's humid, but I know that it's not because I know what it could be by this
time of year.....ugh. And we keep getting a lot of rain. People say that it's
abnormal to be getting this much rain. I just know that I'm tired of getting
wet all the time. A smart missionary would finally buy an umbrella, but oh
well. I don't like the idea of always having to carry one. I like to try and
travel light.
I think that's about it for this week. I love all of you and wish
you the best of luck in your week of stuff to do. Get better Mollie....and be
glad you're not here. I'm having terrible allergies. But yeah, I'm holding up
and doing fine. I hope all of you have good weeks until I can
talk/type/hear/read from you again!
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